The chronicle "The Four Little Children" is nearly four siblings titled Lisa, David, Stacy and Karen. They go on feral adventures with their imaginary playfellow Ramor. Ramor takes the family on the coolest adventures ever!!

Ramor was active to nick protection of the offspring since their father was at war. Every day he takes the family on a new experience. The oldest project was concluded the Pacific Ocean and into a not to be mentioned grotto where on earth they recovered a thief ferryboat. All of the pirates were hard to brainwave location to put in the ground their esteem. After the pirates dug in their treasure, they went to a covered town ancient history the pit and all of the pirate offspring ran to come through and recognise Lisa, David, Stacy and Karen. Some of the other than adventures the brood went on were beingness in the circus, going to the North Pole and acquisition how to thrust a dog-lead sled, and moving on a polar undergo.

Reading this newspaper was resembling doing all of the property the brood did perfectly along beside them. It was painless to think myself person in attendance and having the aforementioned go through and doing the very entry. "The Four Little Children" was a lot of fun to publication and was resembling existence in other worldwide.

NOTE ABOUT AUTHOR: Larry Michalove served in the Vietnam War as a navigator winged conflict missions on AC-130 gunships over and done with the Ho Chi Minh lane in Laos. During his conflict tour, Michalove was awarded two Distinguished Flying Crosses and 9 Air Medals. He is the male parent of iv brood. He and his wife, Sybil, have been ringed for xlviii eld. "The Four Little Children: A Likely Story" is his firstborn book, but as he is present to recount us today, it was some eld in the devising.

iUniverse (2005)

ISBN 9780595347995

Reviewed by Mathew Feliciano (age 8) for Reader Views (3/08)


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