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Special Classes of Set Codes and their Applications
Divisor theory in module categories
Multilevel block factorization preconditioners: matrix-based analysis and algorithms for solving finite element equations
Imagining the elephant: a biography of Allan MacLeod Cormack
Approximation algorithms
Spectral theory of automorphic functions
So you want to be a professor?: a handbook for graduate students
Nonlinear systems analysis
Microsoft Access VBA programming for the absolute beginner
Acoustic and electromagnetic diffraction by canonical structures
Quantum field theory
Computer methods for circuit analysis and design
Equations of mathematical physics
Earth's outer atmosphere: bordering space
Antenna engineering handbook
Lecons sur les fonctions de lignes
The theory of semisets
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High voltage engineering
The joy of working: the 30 day system to success, wealth & happiness on the job
Praktikum der Physik: mit 102 Versuchen, 235 Figuren, 17 Tabellen im Text, einem Tabellenanhang und einem ausklappbaren Periodensystem der Elemente
Quantum field theory in curved spacetime and black hole thermodynamics
Python Grundlagen und Praxis
A quest for perspectives: selected works of S. Chandrasekhar: with commentary
An extension of Casson's invariant
The origins of music
MATLAB for neuroscientists: an introduction to scientific computing in MATLAB
Tcl/Tk Programming for the Absolute Beginner
Einfu?hrung in die Analysis 1
Einfu?hrung in die Analysis 2
Sequential simplex optimization: a technique for improving quality and productivity in research, development, and manufacturing
Automated technology for verification and analysis: second international conference, ATVA 2004, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, October 31-November 3, 2004: proceedings
Fundamentals of fluid-solid interactions: analytical and computational approaches
Novel approaches in cognitive informatics and natural intelligence
Seismic inverse Q filtering
The psychology of culture shock