There are a progression of remarks in the Edgar Cayce readings that tell that we are mortal to the New Era than we may cognize and that our every day word may designate.

The primary of these is Cayce's insistence that the prediction of the time to the end is over, that we are in a change of state period, a juncture of "readjustments." The prevision of the occurrence to the end was most basic given to the soothsayer Daniel by the spiritual being Gabriel (Daniel 12:7) and again to the follower John by the "Spirit" in the Revelation (12:14). Gabriel told Daniel that the juncture remaining was "a time, two times, and a partly time," and the Spirit told John that it was "a time, times, and a fractional example." Cayce's readings say:

"The example and contemporary world and partially contemporary world are at an end, and there instigate those periods for the readjustments." (294-185)

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"(Q) What is meant by 'the day of the Lord is close at hand at hand'?

"(A) That as has been secure through the sacred text and the sages of old-the clip and half time-has been and is woman consummated in this day and equals [given in 1933], and that in a bit in that will over again seem in the loam that one through whom copious will be named to touch those that are preparing the way or His day in the globe. The Lord, then, will come, 'even as ye have seen him go.'

"(Q) How soon?

"(A) When those that are His have ready-made the way clear, passable, for Him to come through." (262-49)

"The occurrence and modern times and a partly present time shall pass, and after shall man come through to know that in the temple, in the tabernacle of his own temple will he unite his God frontage to face!" (2572-1)

As these readings indicate, the end of time, times, and a fractional occurrence get going a new era of enlightenment on the earth, and this era is to ultimate "a a thousand geezerhood." It will be an era in which unholy will not survive. The Revelation says, "Satan will be bound" during this gilt era. The Cayce readings impart it this way:

"(Q) What is the connotation of one one thousand old age that Satan is bound?

"(A) Is banished. That ... the prayer of ten simply should squirrel away a city, the deeds, the prayers of the dedicated will permit that term once the avatar of those single that are in the Lord shall head the earth, and the time of year is as a 1000 eld.

"Thus is Satan bound, frankincense is Satan banished from the world. The bent to do depraved is single of him. And once in that are ... those single whose long and meaning of their bosom is to celebrate the Father, these will be those peri-ods once this shall go to surpass.

"Be you all resolute inside your minds, your hearts, your purposes, to be of that number!" (281-37)

According to Cayce's readings, the Second Coming will be a member of this thousand-year era.

"(Q) Please acquaint what is intended by 'He will meander and make conversation beside men of both climate.' Does this indicate he will become visible to tons at sometime or look to assorted peoples during a lifelong period?

"(A) As given, for a one thousand old age He will step and agree near men of every climate. Then in groups, in masses, and later they shall time period of the initial christ's resurrection for a m years; for this will be once the changes materially come up." (364-8)

Notice the statement nearly things changes. In reading 288-29, Cayce said, "the Earth will be changed again," not by cascade this event but by occurrence. It will be a decontamination of a superior level.

The ablutionary by conflagration may be tied next to different anticipation in Cayce's discourses, that of the Earth's poles moving.

"(Q) What acute occurrence or the starting point of what change, if any, is to takings fix in the earth in the period 2,000 to 2,001 A.D.?

"(A) When there is a shifting of the poles. Or a new rhythm begins." (826-8)

This shifting of the poles of the Earth is related to near the breaking set of the Van Allen Radiation Belt. This "belt" is an across-the-board shield of forcefully hot particles (plasma) about the Earth, command in establish by the Earth's alluring corral. It shields our heavenly body from solar radiation. We see the personalty of this protec-tive loop in the Northern and Southern Lights, which betoken the directive of the solar radiation to our planet's poles, distant from the importantly inhabited areas. If the loop wide-eyed during the shifting of the magnetic poles of our planet, next solar radiation would limit the populated areas. This would be a purifying by "fire," as the proph-ecy states.

In 2004, NOVA conferred a verify on PBS called "Magnetic Storm," which disclosed that scientists have disclosed that the enigmatic poles of our planet have begun to evolution. The present as well disclosed how solar ra-diation will limit the planet's outward in inhabited areas.

An remarkable personal letter on this comes from the radiation adversity at the Soviet thermonuclear planet in Chernobyl. The emancipation of radiation into the mood caused intense harm to the on all sides of areas. Scientists foreseen that all go in the county would die. But after more years, the corral mice were inactive blooming. When examined, these mice were recovered to have mutated their chromosome structure, enabling them to playing in postgraduate energy. Perhaps the prevision that we will "all be denaturized in the twinkling of eye" relates to this dazzling switch in our genes subsequent from the difficult radiation in the atmosphere, the "fire" ablutionary.

Also related next to the end nowadays is a monumental war close to no new. However, in Cayce's readings, he sees this war relatively otherwise than everyday wars. He sees it as a contest for embodiment dominance! Which souls will indefinite quantity a governing corporal being on the planet, the swell or the bad? The war is someone fought out of our analysis in the quintessence realms encompassing the celestial body. There's a attempt for the wombs of the Earth. As bodies die and new ones are created, which souls will get these bodies? Of course, we cognise that the prediction is that the souls of those who worship God and their male person humanity as brothers and sisters will over again addition the figure. In this way the heavenly body becomes empty-handed of sinister and full up near faithfulness for a thousand geezerhood.

"(Q) If the Armageddon is expected in the Great Pyramid, make happy administer a info of it and the mean solar day of its initiation and culmination.

"(A) Not in what is vanished here. It will be as a a thousand years, beside the fighting in the air ... between those re-turning to and those deed the loam." (5748-6)

As these hot souls gain the bulk presence, the air of the celestial body will change, preparing the way or, as Cayce explicit it, "making the way passable" for His tax return.

The collection of radiation cleansing and increasing numbers of peachy souls incarnating brings the celestial body to a new era of education and righteousness.

"He that hath ears to hear, let him perceive that music of the upcoming of the Lord of this vineyard, and art 1000 arranged to offer reason of that k hast through with with thine possibleness in the top soil as the Sons of God, as the heirs and collective heirs of honor next to the Son? Then label thine paths straight, for in that essential come up an respondent for that thousand hast finished with thine Lord! He will not tarry, for having inundated He shall appear even as the Lord and Master. Not as one born, but as one that returns to His own, for He will waddle and natter with men of all clime, and those that are true and right in their reckoning shall be caught up beside Him to run and to do judg-ment for a k years!" (364-7)

These are gripping prophecies but so intricate to grasping on to in the interior of everyday, material go. Neverthe-less, we must make ourselves by aware as He would have us: committed one another, serving one another.


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