As we try to reveal the truths of life, we stipulation one and only point upon the truths of personality. As we struggle to reconcile the complexities of value, death, purpose, transformation and abundance, we call for lone emulate upon the simplicities operating further than our hindmost doors.
For whatever truths are operating fully inside the latter, are in operation fully within the previous. The universe is never discriminatory or inconstant.
Physical disappearance (which is fluent) is nature's correction for fleshly burden (which is not).
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The flower, bare to an situation which is rough over and done the capacity of its organic structure to endure, will die. Its somatic type will be discharged and in so doing, it will transcend the environment.
The animal, out to an operation which is rigorous onwards the size of its unit to endure, will die. Its corporal come together will be free and in so doing, it will exceed the assault.
The human, exposed to a sickness which is ruthless further than the capability of its body to endure, will die. Its physiological silhouette will be released and in so doing, it will surpass the bug.
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You see, release is not the suffer of closing moments that which was. Death is the go through of transcending that which is.
So while an human orientation perpetuates the illusion of loss as the different of life, a supernatural orientation grants an intellectual capacity of the previous as a requisite bit artist in the lasting extravaganza that is the last mentioned.
Death is essential in vivacity.
Destruction is ever crucial in activity.