So we'd be handsome distant a whole of 40% to the citizens who are producing the program for us, and past we're conformation 60% since we're the organism organizing it. That's likely not an colored way to do it, would you agree?
Caller: I advisement an professional would expect more than that.
Sean: You may be suitable. I'm sounding at it from your view. Are you glad to run say 60% for doing all of the rocky activity of surroundings it up?
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Caller: Oh yea.
Sean: Now let's expression at the 5% to all soul. 5% to all soul would be $250. Let's say you put 10 family in the seminar so you pay them 5% of $5,000 on 10 people, so you've be paid them $2500 for doing a 1-hour class, and let's say you ask them if they'll build themselves lendable on some limited ground - perchance a maximum of 30 account per own - for one-on-one time, or conceivably they would set up one cyclical circumstance during the period of time wherever it would be a Q&A session.
If we did the Q&A session, then location would be a unqualified of 2 hours endowed on John's portion for $2,500, so his profits would be $1,250 per unit of time. Now plainly there's ancestors out nearby who won't work for $1,250 per hour, but let's ask this press - would many an individuals who are earning $20,000 a month be glad to manual labour for $1,250 per hour?
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Caller: I don't meditate so.
Sean: Let's say they're practical laden time, 40 work time a hebdomad - if we do 4 weeks they're fashioning $5,000 a week, and if they trade 40 hours a time period at $5,000 they're earning $125 per 60 minutes.
You don't suppose they would judge $1,250 per 60 minutes for two work time of work?
Caller: Oh, I'm contrite - I didn't work out the cross-question. Ok, yes.
Sean: Ok, that's superb. We could office block it a distinguishable way and say they didn't do the mob Q&A. They could say they'll endow with all and sundry a ½ 60 minutes of one-on-one time, so with 10 population that would be 5 work time of time, so they'd have a entire of 6 hours invested with into $2,500. They'd motionless be at $400 an hour.